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Surviving the chaos!

Have you ever had a week were you feel just drained and ready to call it quits? I sure have. I am a mom, a wife, a student, a worker, all in one and this week in particular has just been so stressful that at a point I was ready to give up and say screw this (yes I know). Good thing that I have a great support group that just encourages me and keeps me going when I feel down and overwhelmed. That is why I want to share with everyone a few tips on how to survive and embrace the chaos that is called life.

Tip #1- It is ok to take a break. It may not feel like it because you want to tackle everything in your to-do list but a drained mamma is no good. You will be cranky and every little thing will tick you off.

Tip #2- Delegate! Yes you can. Ask your significant other to take the kids to school, do the laundry or go grocery shopping. This will not only help you minimize your load but it will also make your loved ones a bit more independent which is a great lesson on itself.

Tip #3- Me time is a must. Take the time to do stuff that you want to do for you. Read a book, watch a movie, go exercise, go out for coffee with friends, this is a great way to unwind and get your stress level down.

Tip #4- Prioritize. If you are up to here with stuff, make a list of what needs to be done first, the rest will fall into place.

Tip #5- Prepare a schedule. For the future, it might help a lot if you divide your weeks by day and time. This way you will accommodate the tasks according to priorities and time allotted.

If you have any tips yourself feel free to add them in the comment section below and share your wisdom. Enjoy!

Photo Cred: Wix

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